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Помогите пж мне нужно придумать рассказ на тему I love stamps

ТОЛЬКО ШЕЛЛИ Ученик (98), открыт 3 недели назад
3 ответа
Евгений Подлисских Мастер (2397) 3 недели назад
I love stamps ПЕРЕВОДИТСЯ КАК Я ЛЮБЛЮ МАРКИ. РАССказ нужен на английском или на русском?
Василиса Смирнова Ученик (178) 3 недели назад
I love stamps. Stamps are small, colorful pieces of paper. I collect them from different countries. Each stamp has a story to tell. Some stamps show animals, while others show famous people. I started my collection when I was ten. My grandfather gave me his old stamps. I was so excited to see them. I keep my stamps in a special album. Every weekend, I search for new stamps at markets. My friends think collecting stamps is boring. But I think it is fun and interesting! Stamps help me learn about the world. I will always love stamps.
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