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Английский язык дз помогите

黒い人 ネグロビッチ Ученик (31), открыт 3 недели назад
Поставьте существительные в притяжательный падеж:

Пример: the book of a girl - a girl's book

1. the car of my father

2. the room of his sisters

3. the books of the children

4. the restaurant of Mr Brigg

5. the names of my brothers

6. the lives of the people

7. the clothes of those women

8. the hat of the policeman

9. the policy of Finland

10. the oldest car in the world
4 ответа
Cleopatra Ученик (213) 3 недели назад
1. My father's car.
2. His sisters' room.
3. The children's books.
4. Mr Brigg's restaurant.
5. My brothers' names.
6. The people's lives.
7. Those women's clothes.
8. The policeman's hat.
9. Finland's policy.
10. The world's oldest car.
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