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Английский язык 7 класс

Комару Ученик (113), открыт 3 недели назад
Нужно исправить ошибки в предложениях
  1. Mrs and Miss Bates didn't like to have visitors.
  2. They were a rich family and didnt like to talk to other people
  3. Mrs and Miss Bates disliked Emma and Harriet's visit.
  4. They talked about Miss Bates all the time.
  5. Jane Fairfax lived with parents in London.
  6. Mrs and Miss Bates received Jane's letter two weeks ago.
  7. Miss Bates read the letter to Emma.
1 ответ
Айдар Азбуханов Ученик (127) 3 недели назад
1) Mrs and Miss Bates didn't like having visitors
2) They were a rich family and didnt like talking to other people
3) Mrs and Miss Bates disliked Emma's and Harriet's visit. ( Не уверен )
4) They were talking about Miss Bates all the time
5) Jane Fairfax lived with her parents in London.
6) Mrs and Miss Bates received Jane's letter two weeks ago.
7) Miss Bates reads the letter to Emma.

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