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Интернет урок Ученик (88), на голосовании 1 месяц назад
Task 4 (36 points).

Как выполнять задания на составление предложений/текста по картинкам

Look at the pictures. Write a story called “Matt’s Hat”. Read the instruction and do the task.


Describe each picture using the given verbs. The first two pictures are described, use it as an example.
Write at least two sentences for each picture.
Use Past Simple and Past Continuous.
Use all the verbs in the box.
walk wear sit stand snow get on the bus get off the bus
make give a place fall pull find see talk

Ris. 1.png
Рис. 1

Matt’s Hat

Matt was walking to school. He was wearing a hat, a scarf and gloves. He got on the bus. He sat on a free seat. He...


For each picture described with at least two sentences, you can get up to 6 points. In total, you will get 36 points. За каждое изображение, описанное не менее чем двумя предложениями, можно получить до 6 баллов. За полностью выполненное задание можно получить 36 баллов.
Голосование за лучший ответ
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