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Гений Гениальный Ученик (92), открыт 6 дней назад
I just (tell) the answer.
George never (be) in Australia
Поставить неправильные глаголы в третью форму и задать 5 типов вопросов(общий,разделительный,альтернативный,специальный и вопрос к подлежащему т.е Who has и третья форма глагола)
1 ответ
Joseph Гений (67851) 6 дней назад
I have just told the answer.
Have I just told the answer?
Who has just told the answer?
What have I just done?
Have I just told the answer or the question?
I have just told the answer, haven't I?
George has never been to Australia.
Has George ever been to Australia?
Who has never been to Australia?
Where has George never been?
Has George never been to Australia or Canada?
George has never been to Australia, has he?
Гений ГениальныйУченик (92) 6 дней назад
Спасибо выручили
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