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Помогите, пожалуйста, по английскому!!! заранее огромное спасибо!)

Аля Павловна Новичок (0), открыт 3 дня назад
1 ответ
Снежный Ветер Гуру (3309) 3 дня назад
Yesterday we went to the theatre. It was fantastic! I liked the play (or performance) a lot. It was a very famous comedy. The actors were brilliant! They could reflect the mood and the emotions really deeply and accurately! The costumes were also appropriate and they suited the performers really well. The stage itself was tastefully decorated and the sets were elegant and detailed. I especially liked the lighting at the very end when the lead actress was giving her monologue. All the spotlights were focused on her, as well as the eyes of the audience! That was terrific. I’m going to visit the theatre at least once a month to get such emotions.
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