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Помогите, пожалуйста, по английскому!! заранее огромное спасибо!!!)

Аля Павловна Новичок (0), открыт 3 дня назад
1 ответ
Снежный Ветер Гуру (3309) 3 дня назад
I am fond of modern films because of the technology used: sound, visual, and other effects make films so thrilling!
I like when the actors are cool and play fantastically even when they are not the main characters.
I don’t usually watch sitcoms before the end of the season. That way I can watch more than one episode at once.
I sometimes don’t understand why some films become a blockbuster: they might be popular but I still don’t find them attractive.
My granny watches “a very good series about life,” as she says! Oh, I think it has a thousand boring episodes.
I never liked the sitcoms with the laugh track in the background. In my opinion, it sounds stupid.
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