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Артём Орлов Ученик (3), открыт 3 дня назад
Задание: составить высказывание о любимом кино персонаже с описанием того чем и как часто он любит заниматься, это надо сделать в процентах, проценты: 100%, 85%, 60%, 50%, 30%, 0%, я выбрал гари Поттера так как я его хоть как то знаю
2 ответа
белый медведь Знаток (386) 3 дня назад
Конечно! Давайте обсудим Гарри Поттера и его увлечения с указанием процентов:

Harry Potter: My Favorite Movie Character

I really like Harry Potter because he is brave and a loyal friend. Here is a breakdown of what he loves doing and how often he does these activities:

Practicing magic - 100%

Harry loves practicing magic. He spends all his time learning new spells and improving his magical skills at Hogwarts.

Spending time with friends - 85%

He enjoys hanging out with his best friends, Ron and Hermione. They often study together, go on adventures, and support each other.

Playing Quidditch - 60%

Harry is a great Seeker on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He practices this sport a lot during the school year, though sometimes he has to prioritize other things over Quidditch.

Fighting evil - 50%

Harry often finds himself in battles against dark forces, especially Lord Voldemort. He takes these responsibilities seriously, but it can be stressful.

Exploring Hogwarts - 30%

Harry loves exploring the castle. He enjoys discovering hidden rooms and secret passages, but he doesn't have time to do this as often as he would like because of his studies.

Relaxing - 0%

Unfortunately, Harry rarely gets the chance to relax. His life is often filled with challenges, so he has little free time to just chill.

Это высказывание можно использовать для задания. Удачи с домашним заданием!
Иван Иванов Ученик (240) 3 дня назад
Вот пример высказывания о Гарри Поттере с использованием процентов:


My favorite movie character is Harry Potter.**

1. He loves practicing magic 100% of the time.**
(Он любит заниматься магией 100% времени.)

2. He enjoys spending time with his friends, like Ron and Hermione, 85% of the time.**
(Он любит проводить время с друзьями, такими как Рон и Гермиона, 85% времени.)

3. He participates in Quidditch matches 60% of the time.**
(Он участвует в матчах по квиддичу 60% времени.)

4. He studies at Hogwarts 50% of the time.**
(Он учится в Хогвартсе 50% времени.)

5. He spends time with his family, like the Weasleys, 30% of the time.**
(Он проводит время с семьей, например, с Уизли, 30% времени.)

6. He relaxes and does nothing 0% of the time.**
(Он отдыхает и ничего не делает 0% времени.)


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