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Помогите с английским срочно

Степан Солдатов Ученик (35), открыт 1 день назад
4 ответа
биба Профи (741) 1 день назад
Here are the translations of the provided sentences:

A person who works with animals must be kind and patient.
My father's friend, who arrived from Moscow yesterday, is a famous science fiction writer.
What is he like? Sociable and very friendly.
What does his sister look like? She is a short, slim girl about twenty years old, with funny pigtails and cute freckles.
Be persistent; don't give up on your dream of becoming a writer. You really have talent.
All parents want their children to be healthy and happy.
You need to be braver to handle this dangerous job.
ewe 2e¶ CoЛнЫшКоcBeTиТоЧеНЬяРкО*Высший разум (329779) 1 день назад
Вопрос в виде картинки? а почему ответ не в виде картинки?
Степан СолдатовУченик (35) 1 день назад
Дз было такое отправлено
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