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Мини рассказ про землетрясение на английском на 15 слов

Умный Парень Ученик (1), открыт 18 часов назад
Мини рассказ про землетрясение на английском на 15 слов, сделайте пожалуйста
3 ответа
MatchaTea Ученик (205) 18 часов назад
Попроси у чат GPT и немного отредактируй
MatchaTeaУченик (205) 17 часов назад
Ок тогда держи, The earth trembled, buildings cracked, dust filled the air—chaos ensued, but hope remained unbroken, или i woke up at 5 am because all my house was trembling, i was shocked и еще один, There was an earthquake yesterday, 100 people died, but many remained safe thanks to rescuers
Павел Васильев Знаток (277) 18 часов назад
An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground. It can be very dangerous and destructive.

One day in California there was an earthquake. The ground shook violently, buildings crumbled. People ran out into the streets. Some were trapped under the rubble, others were injured. Emergency services rescued those trapped and took them to hospitals. The government provided support with food, water, and shelter. The town was in ruins, but people worked together to rebuild their homes and lives.
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