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Complete the words with the correct suffixes.

Ярослав Тихонов Ученик (75), открыт 5 часов назад
Complete the words with the correct suffixes.

-ment -ness -hood -ence -y -ship


The primary cause of their failure is lazi… .

Answer: ness

1) I believe that honest
is what can help you to resolve all your problems.
2) I don't know how to improve my relation
with the classmates. They simply ignore me!
3) Alisha and I went on the concert of our favourite band yesterday. I can't tell you what amount of excite
and happiness we got!
4) Last month we moved to a new neighbour
. Now it takes me less time to get to school.
5) Confid
and tranquility are very important for those who would like to learn skateboarding.
4 ответа
Qwe Qwer Ученик (115) 5 часов назад
я не нейросеть паша
Сталкер Оракул (60517) 5 часов назад
там вообще некуда суфиксы вставлять
Максим Мельников Гуру (2952) 5 часов назад
Вот завершенные слова с правильными суффиксами:

I believe that honesty is what can help you to resolve all your problems.
I don't know how to improve my relationship with the classmates. They simply ignore me!
Alisha and I went on the concert of our favourite band yesterday. I can't tell you what amount of excitement and happiness we got!
Last month we moved to a new neighbourhood. Now it takes me less time to get to school.

Confidence and tranquility are very important for those who would like to learn skateboarding.
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