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Дз по английскому

Матвей Аверьянов Ученик (63), открыт 6 часов назад
Надо написать 16 предложений про своего друга по примеру
2 ответа
egor1999 Знаток (417) 6 часов назад
My friend Andrey is an incredibly stubborn man. He is able to defend his point of view for hours, even if it is obvious that he is wrong. At the same time, Andrey has an amazing imagination. He easily comes up with exciting stories and fantastic scenarios. Sometimes he can be a little arrogant, but it passes quickly. Andrey is the most selfless person I know; he is always ready to help, even to his own detriment. His curiosity is boundless – he is constantly striving to learn something new. He is very sensitive, sometimes overreacts to criticism. However, Andrey is always punctual – he arrives at meetings on time. Andrey is a great listener, always ready to listen and support. He is a very loyal friend and is always ready to help. He has a great sense of humor, he knows how to cheer up in any situation. Andrey is very purposeful and achieves his goals. He plays sports and leads a healthy lifestyle. He is passionate about photography and takes amazing pictures. Andrey is a man with a wide range of interests. He is always ready to share his knowledge and experience.
Матвей Аверьянов Ученик (63) 6 часов назад
egor1999 Знаток (417) Матвей Аверьянов , пожалуйста)
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