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- Ученик (94), открыт 19 часов назад
1. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, чтобы получилось верное условное предложение II типа.

1. If she_ (be) here it (be) better.

2. If we _(meet) today, we (not need) to do it tomorrow.

3. you_(pass) the test if you_ (study) better
4. i_(come) right away if you (ask) me.

5. My parents (not let) me go if they (know) about it.
2 ответа
Mihuila1141 Профи (735) 19 часов назад
Вот правильные формы глаголов для каждого предложения:

If she were here, it would be better.
If we met today, we would not need to do it tomorrow.
You would pass the test if you studied better.
I would come right away if you asked me.
My parents would not let me go if they knew about it.
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