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Английский 6 класс срочно

- Ученик (61), открыт 4 часа назад
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs below. Use full forms of the verbs.

Write one or three words in each gap.

not to park, help, to go, to study

Tina ____ her scooter on the pavement.

I ___ English every day.

We _____ to the supermarket at the weekends.

Do you often ____ your parents around the house?
1 ответ
Protekto Знаток (416) 4 часа назад
ГДЗ для кого придумали?
-Ученик (61) 4 часа назад
Там нит
Protekto Знаток (416) -, нейросети для кого придумали?
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