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Срочно помогите с английским!

Илья Евтюхин Ученик (178), закрыт 3 недели назад
Нужно вставить сделать весь этот лист заданий !
Лучший ответ
Анатолий Зинин Высший разум (373753) 2 месяца назад
1-her 2-it 3-it 4-them 5-me 6-her 7-us
1-our 2-their 3-its 4-his 5-her
1-This is your watch. This watch is yours.
2-That is their house. That house is theirs.
3-These are ... notebooks. These notebooks are ... . (Закрыто ручкой)
4-Those are his clothes. Those clothes are his.
5-This is her car. This car is hers.
1-these 2-those 3-this 4-that
1-yours; mine 2-theirs 3-mine 4-ours 5-hers
1-am 2-is 3-are 4-were 5-will be 6-are 7-was 8-is 9-are 10-will be
1-have 2-does not have 3-do not have 4-are having 5-has 6-will you have 7-have 8-had 9-has 10-did not have
1-Put those knives on these tables.
2-Cats caught mice.
3-There are new houses in our streets.
4-His children are here.
5-Those strawberries are still green.
6-Those are the latest data.
7-Wolves are big animals.
8-His toys are over there.
9-Do you know these formulae/formulas?
10-Are they the Englishmen?
Остальные ответы
альфасамец Мастер (2195) 2 месяца назад
чат гпт в помощь
Илья ЕвтюхинУченик (178) 2 месяца назад
Мда. Зачем нужен майл если так можно на любой вопрос ответить?
Илья Евтюхин, свяжитесь со мной в телеграмме @dmitriipahomovv я вам решу сейчас
maho☆ Ученик (163) 2 месяца назад
  1. Her
  2. it
  3. it
  4. it
  5. me
  6. her
  7. us

  1. this
  2. their
  3. her
  4. this
  5. her

  1. this is your watch . this watch is yours.
  2. this is their house. this house is theirs.
  3. не вижу
  4. these are his clothes. these clothes are his.
  5. this is her car. this car is hers
Артем Просветленный (45763) 2 месяца назад
Научись говорить "пожалуйста" .
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