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Grammar. Narrative tenses

Екатерина Савченко Знаток (368), закрыт 1 месяц назад
1) woke/ was waking/ had woken
2) would go/ went/ was going
3) wasn't seeing/ didn't see/ hadn't seen
4) had been walking/ walked/ was walking
5) was/ had been/ would be
6) arranged/ had arranged/ had been arranging
7) was waiting/ had been waiting/ waited
8) had been working/ worked/ was working
помогите пожалуйста решить. Буду очень благодарен
Лучший ответ
Xejk 555 Гуру (2824) 2 месяца назад
Last morning Ronny woke (1) up and realised that if nothing was (2) wrong, she would finally meet her cousin George, whom she hadn't seen (3) since graduation. After a quick breakfast, she got dressed and took her dog Pipi for a walk. While she was walking (4) the dog, George called. He said that he was (5) on his way to her place, where they had arranged (6) to meet, but due to the traffic jams he would be an hour late. Ronny had been waiting (7) for their meeting for 6 long years, so another hour to wait wasn’t a big deal. Not to waste time, Ronny decided to finish her project which she had been working (8) on for the last month at work. By the time she got it done, she heard a knock on the door.
Екатерина СавченкоЗнаток (368) 2 месяца назад
спасибо большое
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