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Поставьте глагол в правильной форме используйте настоящие совершенное или непрерывное настоящее время

Алексей Мазуров Ученик (224), открыт 2 недели назад
1 ответ
⚔️ Slayer ファゴット Знаток (323) 2 недели назад
Ответ на 1 номер пока есть только
1. She has been cooking the whole day. (Continuous emphasizes the duration of the action)

2. My sister has already been to London twice this year. (Perfect simple - completed actions)

3. How long has he been building his house? - About 5 years. (Continuous emphasizes the duration of the action)

4. She has caught a cold recently. (Perfect simple - completed action)

5. We have just fed the animals on the farm. (Perfect simple - recently completed action)
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