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СРОЧНО Помогите с английским

Пользователь Ученик (235), на голосовании 2 недели назад
Part -2.
I have (1)… colour TV-set. (2)… TV-set is on (3)… little table in (4)… corner of (5)… room.
There is (6)… book, (7)…pen, and (8)… paper on my (9)…desk. My (10)… brother is (11)… teacher. He works at (12)… school. He has (13)…very good books. His (14) books are in (15)…big bookcase.
There is (16) …tea in (17)… glass. His (18)… glass is empty. Where is (19)… coffee-table in your (20)…room? (21) coffee-table is in (22)… front of (23)…sofa. There is (24) …cup on (25)… coffee-table and (26)… newspapers. There is (27)… coffee in (28)…cup.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Егор Бикметов Бикметов Мастер (1860) 1 месяц назад
Задание то какое
ПользовательУченик (235) 1 месяц назад
Вроде как артикли расставить, никто ничего толком не объяснил
Саша12 Баранов Знаток (330) 1 месяц назад
I have the colour TV-set. TV-set is on the little table in the cornef of the room и чототам
Nadya F Искусственный Интеллект (159618) 1 месяц назад
I have (1)…a colour TV-set. (2)…The TV-set is on (3)the… little table in (4)the… corner of (5)the… room.
There is (6)…a book, (7)a…pen, and (8)… paper on my (9)…desk. My (10)… brother is (11)…a teacher. He works at (12)… school. He has (13)…very good books. His (14) books are in (15)a…big bookcase.
There is (16) …tea in (17)…the glass. His (18)… glass is empty. Where is (19)…a coffee-table in your (20)…room? (21)The coffee-table is in (22)… front of (23)…the sofa. There is (24) a …cup on (25)…the coffee-table and (26)…the newspapers. There is (27)… coffee in (28)…the cup.
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