Я нашёл оригинал произведения, из которого взяты ваши строки, но что это за произведение и кем написано непонятно:
She sits in the lighted parlor.
And waits for the tardy beaux-
She plays with her little fingers,
AND TROTS with her little toes:-
She calls for her Spanish poodle,
She calls for her China fan
She kisses her long-eared puppy,
And wishes it was a Tman.
Her mother stays in the kitchen,
Dressed up in her coarsest attire,
She's freezing over the ices
And roasting over the fire;
Her father goes clad in his russet,
And ragged and seedy at that-
Hicoats are all out at the elbow;
He wears a shockinr had hat.