Вадим Сивуха
1 месяц назад
1) didn´t enjoy
2) have you ever
3) have come ( Present Perfect result is meant)
4) has eaten the apples
5) moved
6) did you fall
7) swum ( action that took place in the past, that doesn't take place in the present)
8) have already broken
9) have met
10 was (Past action, not Present one)
11) did you go ( time is meant, not result
12) have ever eaten
13) has worked
14) have sold my car
15) sat and played ( past simple is used to indicate repeated actions in the pasy=
Вадим СивухаМастер (1452)
1 месяц назад
The second task: 1)washed after she had completed
2) had done
3) had served, calmed down
4) hadn't had, didn't know
5) felt, had eaten
6) had finished, went
7) answered, had received
8) had left, reached
9) had finished, ran
10) met, had already known
11) called, hadn't done yet
12) had intended to make, ran out of time
13) had we gone, knocked at
14) had fallen ill, came
Вадим СивухаМастер (1452)
1 месяц назад
The third task 1) b) will be sleeping
2) c) will have gone
3) c) will have stopped snowing
4) a) will know
5) b) will be waiting
6) a) will achieve
7) a) will take part
8) b) will be waiting
9) c) will have made
10 b) will be working
11) b) will be discussing
12) c) will have signed
13) b) will you be doing
14) a will go ( future simple) as a simple action or will be going ( plan)