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Влад Волгин Ученик (122), открыт 2 дня назад
Помогите с RDP wrapper отказано в доступе
хочу скачать rdp wrapper запускаю вылазит
RDP Wrapper Library v1.6.2
Installer v2.5
Copyright (C) Stas'M Corp. 2017

[*] Notice to user:
- By using all or any portion of this software, you are agreeing
to be bound by all the terms and conditions of the license agreement.
- To read the license agreement, run the installer with -l parameter.
- If you do not agree to any terms of the license agreement,
do not use the software.
[*] Installing...
[*] Terminal Services version: 10.0.19041.4474
[-] This version of Terminal Services is not supported.
Try running "update.bat" or "RDPWInst -w" to download latest INI file.
If it doesn't help, send your termsrv.dll to project developer for support.
[+] TermService found (pid 1280).
[*] No shared services found.
[*] Extracting files...
[*] Downloading latest INI file...
Exception EFCreateError in module RDPWInst.exe at 0002F64D.
Cannot create file "C:\Program Files\RDP Wrapper\rdpwrap.ini". Отказано в доступе.
2 ответа
Гаара Джан Ученик (175) 2 дня назад
Попробуй скачать в другую папку
Влад ВолгинУченик (122) 2 дня назад
оно само качается
Гаара ДжанУченик (175) 2 дня назад
Ты через торрент качаешь?
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