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Илья Князев Ученик (23), на голосовании 19 часов назад
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Евгений Наумов Знаток (361) 1 месяц назад
Hi [Name],

My mum still can’t download new music onto her mobile phone. She says that when she was young, there were no mobile phones at all. I just can’t imagine that! It must have been so different back then.

I use my mobile phone for many things, like chatting with friends, listening to music, and watching videos. Honestly, I think it would be really hard to live without it because it helps me stay connected and organized. Besides my phone, I find my laptop the most important gadget for studying and entertainment.

What about you? What gadgets do you use the most?

[Your Name]
Илья КнязевУченик (23) 1 месяц назад
Спасибо большое
ewe 2e¶ CoЛнЫшКоcBeTиТоЧеНЬяРкО* Высший разум (359446) 1 месяц назад
Hello Emma,
I'm very glad to read your letter, I'm really very glad! Thank you for answering me, I would like to say thank you for emailing me. Yes, it can be unexpected but our parents lives in different time without phones at all, can you imagine it? We bought her a new nice phone but she use only few functions from it, like calling and messaging only. I trying to help her to explore other great features of it like making videos and social networking, I see she trying to understand but does not got it fully yet, she often asking me about some things about their interface or 'what does this word mean?' like. I really like my mom and want she will get new experience with phones and internet and social networking.
As for me I want to say I really cannot imagine ever myself without phone: me and a phone is one thing, we cannot be divided (wink), I think peoples always were with phones, maybe our parents are just kidding us.
I have to go to work, dear, hope you will write me more, I really like it!
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