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Английский guess the idioms from "target vocabulary" by the definitions

игорь . Ученик (95), открыт 1 неделю назад
  1. To save money for future needs or emergencies
  2. To wait and observe a situation before making a decision or taking action
1 ответ
Вертолётов 625 Мудрец (18405) 1 неделю назад

Here are the idioms that match the definitions provided:

1. **To save money for future needs or emergencies**
**Idiom:** **"Save for a rainy day"**
*Explanation:* This idiom means to set aside money or resources for unexpected future difficulties or emergencies.

2. **To wait and observe a situation before making a decision or taking action**
**Idiom:** **"Wait and see"**
*Explanation:* This phrase is used to suggest delaying action or judgment until more information is available.
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