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Милана Колодкина Ученик (95), открыт 4 часа назад
Module test 4 (Class 9)
I Vocabulary
A. Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps: artificial brain, emotional response, service, figurative speech, overcome, mobility, household, nuclear power, air, judge.
1. Can robots understand idioms or other parts of … ?
2. Scientists are working on creating of an … which will make robots think.
3. Robot technology still has some problems to … .
4. You can’t expect a robot to show an … ! They have no feelings.
5. The Gadget Shows always …on channel 5 in the UK.
6. Science fiction writers wrote about rockets to the moon, …and the robots.
7. Nowadays there are different types of robots: industrial, toy, medical, … , fighting.
8. I would like to own a robot that can perform … chores.
9. The presenters on the show make a test that can … the gadget.
10. Robots haven’t got any problems with … - they can run and climb the stairs.
B. Put in: into, up, out, out of, down.
1. Our car broke … about five kilometers out of the city and we had to walk home.
2. A burglar broke … the bank.
3. Mike and I have broken … .
4. A storm can break … anytime.
5. How did you manage to break … her house?
C. Fill in the gaps with the correct words.
1. He has to do a lot for his … : read documents, visit libraries and museums.
a) research b) experiment c) problem
2. You should … the table. You don’t need so many books.
a) wash b) clean c) clear
3. An elephant is a (n) … animal in India.
a) ordinary b) common c) effective
4. All information was presented in … format.
a) electrical b) electronic c) electric
5. They … the job to her.
a) offered b) effected c) suggested
D. Form the nous from the verbs.
1. to meet –
2. to dictate –
3. to ship –
4. to bake –
5. to discuss –
II Grammar
E. Choose the correct tense.
1. We are having/ have a party tonight.
2. By this time next month we will have finished/ will be finishing our computer training course.
3. I think Tom phones/ will phone you in an hour.
4. The train to Bristol is going to leave/ leaves at 5 pm.
5. The printer is making strange noises. It is going to break/ will break again.
F. Determine what clauses have been used in each sentence: time, of purpose, of result.
1. Mary learns English so that she could study in London later.
2. He’ll go to the Internet café as soon as he is ready with his job.
3. All robots in the future will have such abilities that they will be able to do everything.
4. I will not download the file until I install anti-virus.
5. S
he bought the used computer to save some money.
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