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Эссе по английскому языку на тему "Загрязнение воздуха"

ракета бомба петарда Ученик (184), открыт 12 часов назад
1 абзац:
Обозначение проблемы загрязнения воздуха общими фразами
Nowadays … What can …?
2 абзац:
Привод 1ого примера решения проблемы и итог от нее
To begin with,… / One way to solve the problem…(пример)
As a result, …(итог)
3 абзац:
Привод 2ого примера решения проблемы и итог от нее
Another solution would be …(пример)
As a result, …(итог)
4 абзац:
Привод 3его примера решения проблемы и итог от нее
Finally, …(пример)
As a result, …(итог)
5 абзац:
Общие слова о предложенных решениях проблемы
To sum up, there are many ways to improve air quality…
3 ответа
Супер кола Ученик (239) 12 часов назад
Не затрудняй другим их сладкую жизнь, страдай в одиночестве
а Мастер (1069) 12 часов назад
Nowadays air pollution has become a serious problem in all countries of the world. Governments try always to solve this issue, but sometimes it is difficult to solve it. People do not know what can be used in order to stop air pollution.
One way to solve the problem would be restricting using old cars which pollute air more and force people to buy and use new cars. As a result, there would be less pollution to the air, and that could solve global warming to some extent.
Another solution would be to limit the time for warming the cars during winters. As we all know, warming the cars extracts hot air into atmosphere and pollutes air with carmon monoxide, so that would contribute to solving the issue partially. As a result, people would spend less money on petrol, and the atmosphere would be cleaner.
Finally, imposing fines for polluting air by government onto people may also address the air pollution issue. As a result, people would less pollute the air as they would not like to spend their money on fines.
To sum up, there are many ways to improve air quality, and the methods suggested in this essay are not all-encompassing. The problem is being solved by scientists and politicians, and the issue is addressed differently in different countries. In any case, the listed solutions are highly-effective and can introduce people to the air pollution issue.
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