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Хелп с английским, вопросительные вопросы Who, What, What Colour, where, when, why, How, How Many, How much

Андрей Михайлович Ученик (116), закрыт 20 часов назад
Лучший ответ
Rosenberg Просветленный (48679) 1 день назад
1. Who is this girl? She is my sister.
2. What is your father? He is a doctor.
3. How old is your sister? Five.
4. What is your sister’s name? Ann.
5. What is it? It’s a book.
6. Where is Bob? He is at school.
7. When do you get up? At 7 o’clock.
8. What colour are the trees? They are green.
9. What do you buy every day? Bread.
10. How many pets have you got? Two.
11. How is your family? Fine, thanks.
12. What juice does he drink? Apple juice.
13. How much milk do you drink? Two cups.
14. What has she got? A big doll.
15. Where are your friends? In the park.
16. When is your birthday? In May.
17. What colour is that bird? It’s yellow.
18. What do you have for dinner? Soup.
19. When did you buy it? Yesterday.
20. How much tea would you like? A cup.
21. Where is the cheese? It’s on the table.
22. When do you swim? On Sunday.
23. Why do you play tennis? I like it.
24. Where does he swim? In the river.
25. What films do they watch? Cartoons.
26. Who can play chess? Bob can.
27. Where do your friends live? In Britain.
28. Where were you yesterday? In the park.
29. Where are my books? On the table.
30. When is Christmas? In December.
31. When will he come? Tomorrow.
32. Who has got a red pen? Ann has.
33. Who bought a bike? Bob did.
34. Who knows the corner? Kate does.
35. Why did he come? He wanted to see us.
36. How much milk did he buy? Two bottles.
37. How many books will you buy? Three books.
38. What is there on the table? A book.
39. Who wants to play? We do.
40. Who saw this film? Ann and Bob did.
41. Who is the best pupil? Kate is.
42. Who was in Africa? Mr Brown was.
43. When was he in London? Last year.
44. Where will you go tomorrow? To the Zoo.
45. What did you do yesterday? I played chess.
46. What colour sweater did you buy? White.
Андрей МихайловичУченик (116) 20 часов назад
3 ошибки есть
Rosenberg Просветленный (48679) Андрей Михайлович, и где же?
Остальные ответы
михаил Маркин Ученик (210) 1 день назад
Кто, Что, Какого Цвета, где, когда, почему, Как, Сколько, Почем
Алексей Дмитриев Знаток (282) 1 день назад
тип выше с нейронкой
Андрей МихайловичУченик (116) 1 день назад
А если нейронка то не правильно?
Rosenberg Просветленный (48679) Андрей Михайлович, все правильно, ошибок нет
Андрей Сусуев Мастер (2372) 1 день назад
Вопросы на англе ?:

WHO: кто ты? ?
WHAT: шо такое? ?
WHAT COLOR: какой цвет? ?
WHERE: где/куда? ?️
WHEN: когда? ?️
WHY: почему? ?‍♀️
HOW: как дела? ?
HOW MANY: сколько? ?
HOW MUCH: по цене? ?

Все четко!
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