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помогите перевести с русского на анг. без переводчика канечно..а то там одни ошибки(

vasilisakau Ученик (243), закрыт 15 лет назад
я очень люблю животных. они очень милые и забавные. с ними весело играть. особенно мне нравятся кошки. но что касается экзотических животных, то я бы не стала их заводить. экзотические животные - это свободолюбивые животные. кроме того, они опасны. многие из них являются переносчиками инфекций и никакой зоомагазин, я думаю, не может гарантировать обсолютное здоровье, скажем, обезьяны. и любой дикий зверек нуждается в особом уходе и питании, а так же мидицинской помощи, если она потребуется. а в нашей стране особенно сложно обеспечить такие условия. так же в России такой климат, что не каждое экзотическое животное сможет существовать.
итак, я категорически против того, чтобы диких зверей держали дома. ведь животное - это не игрушка. им гораздо лучше будет на свободе. и на крайний случай существует зоопарк, в котором можно посмотреть диких животных.
Лучший ответ
Ириска Мудрец (14469) 15 лет назад
I like animals very much. They are so cute and amusing. Its so fun to play with them. I like cats especially. But if to tell about exotic animals, I wouldn`t get one for myself. Exotic animals are very freedom-loving. Many of them are carriers of infections and no one zoo-shop can`t guarantee for sure a good health of monkey for example. And any wild animal need to have a good care and food, medical help, if it will need. But it is very hard to provide proper conditions in our country. Also we have such a climate in Russia which make existing of exotic animals very difficult. So I am standing against having wild animals at home. After all, animal is not a toy. They will live much more comfortable when they are free. As a last resort there is a zoo-park where you can go to and watch wild animals
Остальные ответы
nihtog Профи (572) 15 лет назад
I very much love animals. They very lovely and amusing. With them cheerfully to play. Especially I like cats. But as to exotic animals I would not began to get them. Exotic animal are freedom-loving animals. Besides, they are dangerous. Many of them are carriers of infections and any pet-shop, I think, cannot guarantee обсолютное health, say, a monkey. And any wild small animal requires special leaving and a food, and as мидицинской the help if it is required. And in our country it is especially difficult to provide such conditions. As in Russia such climate, what not each exotic animal can exist. So, I categorically against wild animals held houses. After all the animal is not a toy. It will much better be free. And as a last resort there is a zoo in which it is possible to look wild animals.
Юлия Зимина Мастер (1255) 15 лет назад
I very much love animals. They very lovely and amusing. With them cheerfully to play. Especially I like cats. But as to exotic animals I would not began to get them. Exotic animal are freedom-loving animals. Besides, they are dangerous. Many of them are carriers of infections and any pet-shop, I think, cannot guarantee обсолютное health, say, a monkey. And any wild small animal requires special leaving and a food, and as мидицинской the help if it is required. And in our country it is especially difficult to provide such conditions. As in Russia such climate, what not each exotic animal can exist. So, I categorically against wild animals held houses. After all the animal is not a toy. It will much better be free. And as a last resort there is a zoo in which it is possible to look wild animals.
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