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Перевидите пожалуйста на английский

Pravo Мастер (1922), закрыт 15 лет назад
Дополнен 15 лет назад
Официальный сайт Евровидения – 2009 сообщает о том что подготовка к конкурсу проходит по плану. В данный момент проводится работы по подготовке светового оформления в московском спорткомплексе “Олимпийский”.

Сотни тон строй материалов и четыре километра металлических труб находятся в московском спорткомплексе и все это пойдет на создании конструкции, которая будет нести на себе звуковое и осветительное оборудование! Работы по созданию зала и сцены ведутся круглосуточно.

8 мегаватт, такова мощность установленных бесперебойных электрогенераторов, расположенных за самой ареной для обеспечения чистейшего звука.

А параллельно со строителями в Москве, в Лондоне команда во главе с американским специалистом Джоном Кейси трудится над созданием светового сопровождения, для участников конкурса.

Вице премьер России Александр Жуков, возглавляющий организацию конкурса, заявил о том, что подготовка к конкурсу проходит по плану и не требует дополнительных материальных средств.

Суммарно Россия потратит на организацию конкурса около одного миллиарда рублей, основная часть средств будут затрачены на преобразование Олимпийского.

Константин Меладзе написал песню для украинской певицы Анастасии Приходько под названием “Мамо”, с которой она будет представлять Россию на 54 Евровидении.

Напомним, что полуфинал конкурса пройдет 12 и 14 мая, а финал 16 мая 2009 года.
Дополнен 15 лет назад
Лучший ответ
Dofamin Мыслитель (8039) 15 лет назад
The Official site Evrovideniya 2009 reports on that that preparation to contest passes on plan. At present work is conducted on preparing the light registration in moscow спорткомплексе Olympic .

A Hundreds tone formation material and four kilometers of the metallic pipes are found in moscow спорткомплексе and all this will go on making the designs, which will carry on itself sound and lighting equipment! Work on making the common-room and scene are night and day.

8 мегаватт, such a power installed steady электрогенераторов, located for most arena for ensuring the most clean sound.

But parallel with builder in Moscow, in London command at the head with american specialist John Cases toils on making the light accompaniment, for participant of the contest.

The Vice first-nights to Russia Alexander Bug, leading organization of the contest, has declared about that that preparation to contest passes on plan and does not require the additional material facilities.

Total Russia will spend on organization of the contest around one миллиарда roubles, the main part of facilities will are spent on transformation Olympic.

Konstantin Meladze has written the canto for ukrainian singer Anastasii Prihodiko under name Ma, with which she will present Russia on 54 Evrovidenii.

We shall Remind that semifinal of the contest will pass 12 and 14 May, but play-off 16 May 2009.
Остальные ответы
Андрей Москит Мастер (1769) 15 лет назад
перевИжу.. .The official site of the Eurovision – 2009 informs on that that preparation for competition passes according to plan. At present it is spent works on preparation of light registration in the Moscow sport centre "Olympic". Hundreds tone a system of materials and four kilometres of metal pipes are in the Moscow sport centre and all it will go on creation of a design which will bear on itself the sound and lighting equipment! Works on hall and scene creation are conducted round the clock. 8 megawatt, such is capacity of the established uninterrupted electrogenerators located behind the arena for maintenance of the cleanest sound. And in parallel with builders in Moscow, in London the command led by the American expert John Kejsi works on creation of light support, for participants of competition. ó¿µÑ the prime minister of Russia Alexander Zhukov heading the organisation of competition, has declared that preparation for competition passes according to plan and does not demand additional material means. Totally Russia will spend for the organisation of competition about one billion roubles, the basic part of means will be spent for transformation Olympic. Konstantin Meladze has written a song for the Ukrainian singer Anastasii Prihodko under the name "Mamo" from which it will represent Russia on 54 Eurovision. We will remind that the competition semi-final will pass on May, 12th and 14, and the ending on May, 16th, 2009
Cleopatra Знаток (428) 15 лет назад
translate please into English!!)))))))))))))))
Ильдар Гуру (2676) 15 лет назад
The Official site Evrovideniya 2009 reports on that that preparation to contest passes on plan. At present work is conducted on preparing the light registration in moscow спорткомплексе Olympic .

A Hundreds tone formation material and four kilometers of the metallic pipes are found in moscow спорткомплексе and all this will go on making the designs, which will carry on itself sound and lighting equipment! Work on making the common-room and scene are night and day.

8 мегаватт, such a power installed steady электрогенераторов, located for most arena for ensuring the most clean sound.

But parallel with builder in Moscow, in London command at the head with american specialist John Cases toils on making the light accompaniment, for participant of the contest.

The Vice first-nights to Russia Alexander Bug, leading organization of the contest, has declared about that that preparation to contest passes on plan and does not require the additional material facilities.

Total Russia will spend on organization of the contest around one миллиарда roubles, the main part of facilities will are spent on transformation Olympic.

Konstantin Meladze has written the canto for ukrainian singer Anastasii Prihodiko under name Ma, with which she will present Russia on 54 Evrovidenii.

We shall Remind that semifinal of the contest will pass 12 and 14 May, but play-off 16 May 2009.
Источник: Из сайта =)
Анна Шаманская Гуру (2797) 15 лет назад
The official site of the Eurovision – 2009 informs on that that preparation for competition passes according to plan. At present it is spent works on preparation of light registration in the Moscow sport centre "Olympic". Hundreds tone a system of materials and four kilometres of metal pipes are in the Moscow sport centre and all it will go on creation of a design which will bear on itself the sound and lighting equipment! Works on hall and scene creation are conducted round the clock. 8 megawatt, such is capacity of the established uninterrupted electrogenerators located behind the arena for maintenance of the cleanest sound. And in parallel with builders in Moscow, in London the command led by the American expert John Kejsi works on creation of light support, for participants of competition. ó¿µÑ the prime minister of Russia Alexander Zhukov heading the organisation of competition, has declared that preparation for competition passes according to plan and does not demand additional material means. Totally Russia will spend for the organisation of competition about one billion roubles, the basic part of means will be spent for transformation Olympic. Konstantin Meladze has written a song for the Ukrainian singer Anastasii Prihodko under the name "Mamo" from which it will represent Russia on 54 Eurovision. We will remind that the competition semi-final will pass on May, 12th and 14, and the ending on May, 16th, 2009.
KINOKRISTAL Знаток (408) 15 лет назад
Перевод-The Official site Evrovideniya 2009 reports on that that preparation to contest passes on plan. At present work is conducted on preparing the light registration in moscow спорткомплексе Olympic .

A Hundreds tone formation material and four kilometers of the metallic pipes are found in moscow спорткомплексе and all this will go on making the designs, which will carry on itself sound and lighting equipment! Work on making the common-room and scene are night and day.

8 мегаватт, such a power installed steady электрогенераторов, located for most arena for ensuring the most clean sound.

But parallel with builder in Moscow, in London command at the head with american specialist John Cases toils on making the light accompaniment, for participant of the contest.

The Vice first-nights to Russia Alexander Bug, leading organization of the contest, has declared about that that preparation to contest passes on plan and does not require the additional material facilities.

Total Russia will spend on organization of the contest around one миллиарда roubles, the main part of facilities will are spent on transformation Olympic.

Konstantin Meladze has written the canto for ukrainian singer Anastasii Prihodiko under name Ma, with which she will present Russia on 54 Evrovidenii.

We shall Remind that semifinal of the contest will pass 12 and 14 May, but play-off 16 May 2009.
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