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Галинка Прохоренко Ученик (240), закрыт 14 лет назад

1.I bought shoes
2.The price of shoes is 100 U.S.
3.This is a good price was made in France.
5.In France making good shoes.
6.the quality shoes is the first class
7.I like their design
8.It is modern design.
9.Shoes is yellow
10.These shoes are in fashion.
11.I like my purchase

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Лучший ответ
Ajan Мастер (1842) 14 лет назад
2. The price of shoes is $100.
4. Shoes were made in France.
5. Good shoes are made in France.
6. The shoes are the first class quality.
8. It is a modern design.
9. Shoes are yellow
Остальные ответы
Юлик Кирьянова Гуру (2602) 14 лет назад
6. the quality OF shoes is the first class
8. It is A modern design.
ДЖОН Знаток (261) 14 лет назад
4. Shoes were made in France.
5. The quality of shoes is the first class.
8. It's a modern design.
9. Shoes are yellow.
Ирина Мыслитель (6761) 14 лет назад
1.I have bought shoes.
4.Shoes were made in France
5.Good shoes are made in France
6.The quality of shoes is the first class
8.It is a modern design
9.Shoes are yellow
Nick Storozhev Оракул (57159) 14 лет назад
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