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Hello my dear friends. I long was not with you and there was suddenly a free minute. My entrusted person who was engaged

Nicole Scherzinger Ученик (101), на голосовании 15 лет назад
Дополнен 15 лет назад
Hello my dear friends. I long was not with you and there was suddenly a free minute. My entrusted person who was engaged in this page very disgustingly itself conducted and has substituted me. I apologise to you for all incidents, I could not follow it. This person is already dismissed. Trust me....If certainly can....With love your Nicole
Голосование за лучший ответ
Евгений Профи (765) 15 лет назад
Шо це за наХ? Типа ярый фанат/фанатка Никольки?
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