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проверьте, есть ли ошибки!

) Ученик (162), на голосовании 14 лет назад
cineva entertainment to spectators on all planet. I prefer comedies. They put me in a joyful mood. sually I av so involved in the action that I forget that I am watching a film. Also, my favorite genre of films is melodrams. I think that many girls like love story. My favorite film is Twilight. I was kept in uncertaintly up to the end. The story line is simple but taching. This film have full of special effects. I like films with a mysterios plot. I like about them is thet they keep you in suspense and grab your attention. The actors did play wonderfully. They did impress me . I like how Robert Pattinson and Kristian Stuart was played in this film. It was absolutely sensational. I think this film is very touching. заранее спасибо!
Голосование за лучший ответ
Вулф Мыслитель (8402) 14 лет назад
1 I av so involved вместо av am
2 I like about them is thet they вместо thet that
Про Сумерки написала) Молодец!
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