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Read the short text and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. What is the name of the castle?

Личный кабинет удален Мудрец (11495), на голосовании 14 лет назад
lakemonsterlongdarktreesvisitLoch Ness

Loch Ness is a big lake in Scotland. It’s in the Scottish Highlands. It is twenty-three miles 1) ____________ and one mile wide. It’s a very deep 2) ____________. The water is 3) __________and cold. People believe that a 4) __________ lives in the waters of Loch Ness. They call this monster Nessie. There are many stories from people about Nessie. There are lots of 5) _________ by the lake. There is also a castle called Urguhart Castle. A lot of tourists 6) __________ Loch Ness every year. They all hope to see Nessie.

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*** Мудрец (18879) 14 лет назад
Loch Ness is a big lake in Scotland. It’s in the Scottish Highlands. It is twenty-three miles 1) LONG and one mile wide. It’s a very deep 2) ____LAKE________. The water is 3) ___DARK_______and cold. People believe that a 4) __MONSTER________ lives in the waters of Loch Ness. They call this monster Nessie. There are many stories from people about Nessie. There are lots of 5) _TREES________ by the lake. There is also a castle called Urguhart Castle. A lot of tourists 6) ___VISIT_______ Loch Ness every year. They all hope to see Nessie.
кирилл семёнов Ученик (164) 6 лет назад
Loch Ness is a big lake in Scotland. It’s in the Scottish Highlands. It is twenty-three miles 1) LONG and one mile wide. It’s a very deep 2) ____LAKE________. The water is 3) ___DARK_______and cold. People believe that a 4) __MONSTER________ lives in the waters of Loch Ness. They call this monster Nessie. There are many stories from people about Nessie. There are lots of 5) _TREES________ by the lake. There is also a castle called Urguhart Castle. A lot of tourists 6) ___VISIT_______ Loch Ness every year. They all hope to see Nessie.
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