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Бусина Гуру (2517), закрыт 14 лет назад
Можно о природном объекте в какой-нибудь стране, или необычном животном...
Лучший ответ
СВЕТЛАНА Мастер (1278) 14 лет назад
The ruffed lemur - Пушистый лемур
The ruffed lemur is the largest lemur, weighing 3.5 - 4.5 kg (7.7 - 10 lb). Its head and body length is about 50 cm (20"), and its tail is about 60 cm (24") long. Ruffed lemurs get their name from the long, thick hair on their ears. There are two subspecies: the black-and-white ruffed lemur and the red ruffed lemur. The two subspecies are generally similar but differ significantly in their coloration and where they are found. The pelages of both subspecies are long and luxuriant. The pelage of the black-and-white ruffed lemur predominantly consists of different-sized patches of black and white, while that of the red ruffed lemur is mostly red, with a black crown and a white nape.

The ruffed lemur lives in primary and secondary rain forests in eastern Madagascar. The ruffed lemur is entirely vegetarian, eating mainly fruit with supplemental leaves, nectar and seeds. Fruit comprises a larger percentage of its diet than is the case for any other lemur. The ruffed lemur is an arboreal forest dweller. It prefers to spend time in the top layers of the canopy. Almost exclusively diurnal, the ruffed lemur is most active early in the morning and in the late afternoon and evening. A female ruffed lemur does not carry her offspring on her stomach or back like most primates. Rather, unlike any other primate in the world, a female ruffed lemur gives birth and leaves her young in a nest made from twigs, leaves and vines, generally 10 - 20 m (33 - 66') above the ground.

The social structure of the ruffed lemur is variable - groups can include 1 male and 1 female, multiple males and females, or aggregations of smaller groups. In some areas of Madagascar, the animals are found in small groups of 2 - 5 individuals. In other areas, loose affiliations of between 18 and 32 animals occupy home ranges around 60 hectares (150 acres) in size. Females are the driving force in group dynamics and are always dominant over males. The social system changes depending on the season and the quality of the habitat. Ruffed lemurs will form larger groups during the wet season when food is plentiful, and disperse during the dry season in search of scarce fruit.

Ruffed lemurs are confined to eastern rain forest regions of Madagascar and appear to be uncommon to rare throughout their range. The Antainambalana River in northeastern Madagascar separates the ranges of the two subspecies. Black-and-white ruffed lemurs were originally found in most forested areas along the entire east coast of Madagascar. Currently, the distribution of the black-and-white subspecies is poorly known, particularly at the northern limits. The red ruffed lemur appears to be restricted to the Masoala Peninsula in northeastern Madagascar. The ruffed lemur is threatened by deforestation and by hunting and trapping for food and the pet trade.

Остальные ответы
Лариса Мыслитель (6074) 14 лет назад
в магазине полно книг: 300 устных тем или сочинений с переводом
Пользователь удален Ученик (212) 14 лет назад
Могу вам дать рассказ о любой достопримечательности :) главное укажите какую именно хотите. (У меня есть много про достопримечательности Великобритании, Австрии, Ирландии, а другие страны могу если что найти:))
БусинаГуру (2517) 14 лет назад
А что вам больше всего нравится? Я смогла найти только Чумную колонну в Вене, но если у вас есть что-то про природные объекты очень красивые, буду рада)))
Christina RyanУченик (100) 14 лет назад
Вам срочно нужно? Есть много чего, надо какое-то время, чтобы выбрать чего-нибудь этакого:) Просто время у меня сейчас позднее, спать уже надо. Если вам не срочно, то поищу в ближайшее время:)
БусинаГуру (2517) 14 лет назад
Мне нужно через недельку. Спасибо за отзывчивость!
Таня Карпушкина Ученик (194) 14 лет назад
Bukingemskiy palace Buckingham Palace)Букингемский palace

Bukingemskiy palace Buckingham Palace) official london residence british monarch (at present queens Elizavety II). It Is Located opposite streets Pell-Mell and Green-parka with беломраморным with gilt by monument to queen to Victoria. When monarch is found in palace, royal standard flaps on roof palace.


Originally Bukingemskiy palace was known as Bakingem-хаус and was built for duke Bukingemskogo (since 1703). He was приобретQн king Georgom III in 1762 as future quotient to residences of the monarch (the official residence Sent-Dzheymsskiy palace ceased to make him(it) and value, and decorating). For the following 75 years architects John Nesh and Edward Blor (the author Alupkinskogo palace), взяв for base Bakingem-хаус, have built else three like buildings. All together form in plan square, in the centre which big internal courtyard.
The Ball common-room palace in 1856.

The Palace was is officially declared main residence british monarch when entering on throne of the queen to Victoria in 1837. In her(its) rule were made last greater additions, building of one more wing and moving former парадного entry, Marble Arch, on present place near Oratorskogo cozy corner in Gayd-park. Before palace winch cost(stand)s the monument in honour of queens to Victoria.

The Cost construction reached 700 000 pounds to account to use such bells and whistles, as 500 blocks каррарского marble with прожилками. To 1853 was finished the most ample and richly wrought premises palace ball common-room. King Eduard VII was born in this palace in 1841 and here moderate;temper in 1910

In spite of роскошество apatment palace, where is kept ensemble of the family valuables, not all жившие in him were lucky. In their own recollection duke Windsor wrote that enormous palace with their own greater common-room and endless corridor seemed the pervaded scent a mildew, which I hitherto feel any time вхожу in it .
koshka matroskina Мастер (1386) 14 лет назад
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