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Пожалуйста поставьте правильно эти предложения в отрицательную форму! Очень нужно. Заранее благодарна.

Роза Профи (955), закрыт 13 лет назад
1 We have English lessons today.
2 Mike East is school teacher.
3 They go to college by bus
4 It is an easy exercise.
5 These books are of great help for scholars
6 There is a time-table outside the school
7 Pupils always do this task with great pleasure
8 It is getting dark in the school yard now
9 I am speaking with my fellow-student now
10 They are going to pass their exams as soon as possible
Лучший ответ
Нео Андерсон Мастер (2332) 13 лет назад
1 We don't have English lessons today. (We have no English lessons today.)
2 Mike East isn't school teacher.
3 They don't go to college by bus
4 It isn't an easy exercise.
5 These books aren't of great help for scholars
6 There is no time-table outside the school
7 Pupils never do this task with great pleasure
8 It is not getting dark in the school yard now
9 I am not speaking with my fellow-student now
10 They aren't going to pass their exams as soon as possible
u r welcome
Остальные ответы
Ашот ) Мастер (1372) 13 лет назад
1 - we have`t
2 is`t
как то так дальше в том же духе
ЧУДО Просветленный (24175) 13 лет назад
1We haven`t English lessons today.
2 Mike East isn`t school teacher.
3 They don`t go to college by bus
4 It isn`t an easy exercise.
5 These books aren`t of great help for scholars
6 There isn`t a time-table outside the school
7 Pupils always don`t do this task with great pleasure
8 It isn`t getting dark in the school yard now
9 I am not speaking with my fellow-student now
10 They aren`t going to pass their exams as soon as possible
Lyl Ferta Мастер (1519) 13 лет назад
Не верь голосам! Нео Андерсон всё написал правильно!

"1 We don't have English lessons today. (We have no English lessons today.)
2 Mike East isn't school teacher.
3 They don't go to college by bus
4 It isn't an easy exercise.
5 These books aren't of great help for scholars
6 There is no time-table outside the school
7 Pupils never do this task with great pleasure
8 It is not getting dark in the school yard now
9 I am not speaking with my fellow-student now
10 They aren't going to pass their exams as soon as possible
u r welcome"
(с) (Нео Андерсен)
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