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Помогите пожалуйста с английским!

Катя Веселова Ученик (73), на голосовании 13 лет назад
Fill in: survived, violent, sightings, humped, mythical, rustling, torture, dull, glimpse, illusion.
1. Many old castles used to have ...chambers.
2. As the wind blew the leaves made a ...sound.
3. The Kraken would create a ...whirlpool to pull ships down to the bottom of the sea.
4.Cubist paintings often have ...colours.
5. Every culture has stories of ...creatures.
6. Nessie could be a dinosaur that somehow ...
7. We caught a(n) ...of a weird-looking creature hiding in the bushes.
8. ..of strange creatures have been reported by people all over the world.
9. People who see one picture inside another are experiencing an optical ...
10. Nessie has a long neck and ...back.
Голосование за лучший ответ
Caramella Мастер (2040) 13 лет назад
1. torture
2. rustling
3. violent
4. dull
5. mythical
6. survived
7. glimpse
8. sightings
10. humped
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