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Combine two sentences into one using the Absolute Participle Construction.

Ольга Шелоп Ученик (101), закрыт 13 лет назад
XVI. Combine two sentences into one using the Absolute Participle Construc-

Model: The article was written; they sent it to the journal.
The article being written, they sent it to the journal.
Когда статья была написана, они отправили ее в журнал.

1. The train has left; we went home.
2. The book was read; we decided to discuss it.
3. The first part of the work was completed; the results were published.
4. The journal contained a number of interesting articles; one of them was de-
voted to cybernetics.
5. Many specialists work on the problem of corrosion; special attention is paid
to the problems of protection of steel surfaces from corrosion.
6. The articles on plasma chemistry were published; the students got interested
in them.
Лучший ответ
МК Просветленный (46382) 14 лет назад
1. The train having left, we went home.
2. The book being read/having been read, we decided to discuss it.
3. The first part of the work completed/being completed/having been completed, the results were published.
4. The journal contained a number of interesting articles, one of them being
devoted to cybernetics.
5. Many specialists work on the problem of corrosion, special attention being paid
to the problems of protection of steel surfaces from corrosion.
6. The articles on plasma chemistry being published/having been published, the students got interested in them.
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