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анг.яз помогите составить на анг.яз-ке(написать письмо Винни-Пуху.Посоветуй ему как надо правильнопитаться

ОКСАНА РЕЗНИК Профи (508), закрыт 13 лет назад
Лучший ответ
Solee4ka Мастер (1732) 13 лет назад
Dear Winnie-the-Pooh,

I decided to write you a letter and to tell you, my friend, about some of your bad habbits. I understand that you really like honey, but really should have more reach ration if you want to stay as cheerful and healthy as you are. I'm not sure what real bears eat but fairy bears shoul start their day with any kinf of milk porridge or at least, some cornflakes (and of course, you can add some honey into it). At 11 o'clock I suggest you to have a cup of tea (choose whatever you like - green, black or herbal) - and don't forget to invite your friends. Lunch should consist of some soup (I guess, you'd like a mushroom thick soup) and a piece of lean fish or meat with garnish. I think that the best garnish would be vegetables and maybe you'd enjoy the honey souce for the meat. Make sure that your portions are not big and don't hurry up, while eating, me dear fellow. I would also suggest you some low-calorie dishes for dinner but to become a bit more sporty, kefir or boiled fermented milk with honey and fruit would suit best.

I hope that you'll like your new diet, please, don't forget to write me about your impressions and first results!

Best wishes,
Oksana Reznik
Остальные ответы
Дмитрий Сазонов Профи (945) 13 лет назад
Hello dear Winnie! I heard about what you recently was stuck in the door. I think this would not happen if you ate properly.
Оксана Фёдорова Мастер (1160) 13 лет назад

не надо с ошибками! кАКОЙ КЛАСС? что надо употребить should/ don't eat?

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