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Об Соединёных Штатах - текст на английском

Ириша Ученик (149), закрыт 18 лет назад
Aлена Cеменова Мыслитель (9855) 18 лет назад
а почему на английском
ты все равно не поймешь
Сервисный центр Доралл Мастер (1270) 18 лет назад
Visit Times Square

For the past century, Times Square has been a mecca for music and the arts. Times Square was home to the music publishing industry, "Tin Pan Alley", which shaped American music during the first half of the 20th Century. The word "Broadway" means theater throughout the world. Broadway's shows represent the biggest, the brightest, and the most of their kind - popular live theater. The dazzling lights of the Great White Way's theaters have fascinated fans nationwide for over a century. To attend a Broadway show is to be part of an event that millions travel from around the world to enjoy, and millions more simply dream about.
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