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Вставьте глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Simple.

Сэр Секс Ученик (121), закрыт 9 лет назад
3.1. The students the Russian Museum. 2. Last month they the Hermitage. There inter¬esting exhibition there. 3. In two weeks they the Tretyakov Gallery. They ...lucky. 4. My father ...a teacher. 5. He ...a pupil twenty years ago. 6. I ...a doctor when I grow up. 7. My sister ...not home tomorrow. 8. She school tomorrow. 9. home tomorrow? 10. ..your father at work yesterday? 11. My sister ...ill last week. 12. She ...not ill now. 13. Yesterday we the theatre. 14. Where ...your mother now? — She the kitchen. 15. Where yesterday? — I the cinema. 16. When I come home tomorrow, all my family home. 17. ..your little sister in bed now? — Yes, she ...18. school tomor¬row? — Yes, I ...19. When my granny ...young, she actress. 20. My friend Moscow now. 21. He St. Petersburg tomorrow. 22. Where ...your books now? — They my bag.
Лучший ответ
Miguel de Talarines Мастер (1554) 12 лет назад
1. Are
2. were/was
3. will be/ will be
4. is
5. was
6. will be
7. will / be
8. will be
9. will/be
10. was
11. was
12. is
13. were
14. is/is
15. were/was
16. will be
17. is/is
18. will/be/will
19. was/was
20. is
21. will be
22. are/are

Take a look at this site, Sir. Good luck!
Источник: own knowledge
Остальные ответы
Парасковия Пульнева Ученик (151) 2 года назад
Вставьте глагол to be в Past Simple.

The students the Russian Museum.
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