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Bjoerndalen08 Профи (583), закрыт 12 лет назад
Вот тема "Our grandparents say their way of life was much more secure. However, young people have more life opportunities nowadays." Перевод :Наши дедушки и бабушки говорят, что их образ жизни был гораздо более безопасной. Тем не менее, молодые люди имеют больше возможностей жизни в настоящее время.
Лучший ответ
Princess Princess Мастер (1262) 12 лет назад
it has been said, that our ancestors had more secure life than we do nowadays. however, on the other hand, our generation has much more life opportunities comparing to our grandparents'. I am fully agree with a statement and support my arguments as follows:
firstly, out grandparents' way of life was secure because people were more steady, modest and honest that time. crimes were occurred rarely and as a rule, only in extreme situations. people used to support and believe each others. people were much more religious. high moral standards were of high importance. and as a result people didn't commit crimes frequently.
nowadays the things are much different. people nowadays are much more concerned about money and other material possessions rather than fulfilling moral obligations or maturing moral qualities. as a result people are becoming greedy, avid and are ready to do almost anything to gain wealth and authority. they commit crimes, rob old weak pensioners, kill people.
On the other hand our time gives us a huge types of opportunities that our grandparents didn't have. for instance, with a developed technology age, it's much easier to do anything much easier and faster. we can go to the any spot of the world by fast cars or high-speed trains, we can write and send letters in several seconds via SMS or E-mail, development of the medicine encourages us to recover much more faster of our illnesses and diseases. owing to the development of the medicine, many incurable diseases nowadays have been easily cured. this progress give us overwhelming opportunities and helps us to save both time and money to achieve our goals in life.

надеюсь учитель поверит что ты сам написал (судя по тому что даже название на сам переводил) .

Остальные ответы
Starnight Мыслитель (7223) 12 лет назад
Даже перевод дан автоматический, а не свой. Ленитесь, молодой человек! Напишите хотя бы по-русски, и переведите, сколько сможете. А если вам тут накатают эссе, то у вашей учительницы английского глаза на лоб вылезут - двоечник, а шпарит будь здоров! Правда, только в одном-единственном эссе. Ну не поверят вам, если чужую работу впаривать станете.
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