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Elena Savina Знаток (347), на голосовании 12 лет назад
1. На этой фотографии я со своей старшей сестрой,её зовут Катя, и она на пять лет старше меня.Мне тогда было 4 года,и к нам в школу пришёл фотограф.
2.Это моё любимое фото из детства.На нём я очень чумазая, по моему я тогда кушала шоколад.Сзади сидит моя мама,и читает жуурнал.
3. На этой фотографии я со своей бабушкой. В руках у меня игрушка которую мне подарил дедушка. Сзади стоит пианино, но играть я на нём не умею.
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Дмитрий Попов Мастер (1636) 12 лет назад
one. In this picture, I'm with her older sister, her name is Kate and she is five years older menya.Mne was then 4 years old, and we came to the school photographer.
two.It is my favorite picture of him I detstva.Na very grubby, in my time I ate shokolad.Szadi sits my mother, and reads zhuurnal.
Three. In this picture, I'm with my grandmother. In the hands of my toys that I gave my grandfather. Behind stands a piano, but I play it I can not.
Cкиф Мастер (1908) 12 лет назад
In this picture, I'm with her older sister, her name is Kate and she is five years older menya.Mne was then 4 years old, and we came to the school photographer.
2.It is my favorite picture of him I detstva.Na very grubby, in my time I ate shokolad.Szadi sits my mother, and reads zhuurnal.
Three. In this picture, I'm with my grandmother. In the hands of my toys that I gave my grandfather. Behind stands a piano, but I play on it can not
*~ Saltanat ~* Профи (869) 12 лет назад
1.In this picture, I'm with my older sister, her name is Kate and she is five years older me. I was only 4 years old, and to our school came photographer.
2.It is my favorite picture from my childhood. On it I was very grubby, in my time I ate chocolate. Behind my mother is sitting and reading a magazine.
3. In this picture, I'm with my grandmother. In the hands of my toys that I gave my grandfather. Behind stands a piano, but I do not know how to play it
Николай Суслов Ученик (98) 12 лет назад
in this picture you can see me and my sister Kate. She is five years older than me. A photografer came to our school when I was four.
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