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Вопрос по английскому. Direct-Indirect(report)speech

Борийхон Мастер (1562), на голосовании 11 лет назад
1. I'm tired, she said that she had tired.
2. i don't like rock music. He told her he didn't like the rock music.
3.We can do it, They said that they could did it.
1. What music do you like i asked her what music (DID)she liked?
2. Are you tired She asked me if had i tired
3.Have you been to New-York I asked them had they been to New-York?
4.Can you swim She asked me if i could swim(swam)?
5. Where are you from i asked him where did hi from?:D
Пожалуйста, добрые люди если можно помогите, укажите где, что неправильно, если вам лень, можете выбрать 1,2, или более предложении, указав номер, а остальные добрые люди исправят не взятые. Thanks in advance)
Голосование за лучший ответ
ВИКТОРИЯ ТАРАН Профи (806) 11 лет назад

1. I'm tired, she said that she had tired.
1. I'm tired, she said that she was tired.

3.We can do it, They said that they could did it.
they said tha they could do it

1. What music do you like i asked her what music (DID)she liked?
1. What music do you like i asked her what music she liked?

2. Are you tired She asked me if had i tired
2. Are you tired She asked me if i was tired

3.Have you been to New-York I asked them had they been to New-York?
3.Have you been to New-York I asked them if they had been to New-York?

4.Can you swim She asked me if i could swim(swam)?
4.Can you swim She asked me if i could swim

5. Where are you from i asked him where did hi from?:D
5. Where are you from i asked him where he was from?:D
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