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Ольга Бородко Знаток (372), закрыт 10 лет назад
1) Nellie (to leave) for Moscow just now.
2)Where you (to go) last summer?
3).What Mary (to buy) at the shop tomorrow?
4). They (not to travel) abroad last summer
5). How you (to help) your granny usually
6). Who (to sing) in the next room?
7). He (not to work) from 4 till 5 yesterday
8). Children (not to like) reading books themselves
Лучший ответ
Stanislawa Просветленный (46956) 11 лет назад
1)Nellie has left for Moscow just now.
2)Where did you go last summer?
3).What will Mary buy at the shop tomorrow?
4). They did not travel abroad last summer .
5). How do you help your granny usually?
6). Who is singing in the next room?
7). He was not working from 4 till 5 yesterday
8). Children do not like reading books themselves.
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