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кто нибудь может найтий этот текст полностью?

Раиль Гатиятов Ученик (193), на голосовании 11 лет назад
Reports on crime can't give us a complete picture of who commits crimes because
not all crimes are reported. Furthermore, law enforcement agencies don't always
share their information. However, available information on reported crimes can
give us information about the people who commit crimes. If we consider all
categories of crime together, the most likely people to commit crimes are young
men from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
Дополнен 11 лет назад
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secrettime Знаток (340) 11 лет назад
Если это про человека то это:
When I was about 15, I read Helter Skelter, prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi’s account of the Manson Family and the Tate-LaBianca murders. One fact that struck me was that Manson was, for most of his life, a small-time hoodlum who compiled a record for relatively minor crimes like burglary, car theft and foregery long before he became notorious as the leader of a murder cult.
A few years later, as a freshman in college, I was assigned to read In Cold Blood, Truman Capote’s classic crime story about the murder of the Clutter family in Holcomb, Kansas. The same pattern was evident: Dick Hickock and Perry Smith had been a couple of minor criminals — forgery, theft, assault, etc. — until they committed the mass murder that made them infamous.
You see this pattern replicated in many other high-profile murders. Matthew Shepard’s killers, Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson, both had criminal records — one for marijuana possession and the other for burglary. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had been busted as juveniles for a break-in and theft about 14 months before they perpetrated the Columbine High massacre.
This pattern illustrates a common-sense truth so basic that it seems a bit silly to state it directly: Criminals commit crime.
Because of the way crime is portrayed in both the news media and popular entertainment, many Americans have been conditioned to think of murder as a crime to which everyone is equally susceptible. TV detective dramas especially present this distorted perspective, because the element of surprise usually requires that the killer be someone unsuspected — the apparently upstanding citizen whose hidden motive for murder is uncovered in the final 10 minutes of the hour-long mystery. The man-bites-dog angle in journalism means that when a murder is committed by a previously law-abiding person, this fact will be highlighted in news coverage. And sometimes, as in the Shepard murder, the criminal background of the killers will mostly be ignored by media focused on more “newsworthy” elements of the crime.
Contrary to media distortions, criminality is not evenly distributed throughout the population. A small and fairly distinct group of career criminals — recidivists, habitual violators, call them what you will — account for the majority of serious crime in America. This fact was best illustrated in the early 1990s, when transit policy in New York City decided to crack down on subway turnstile-jumpers and discovered that about 15 percent of those apprehended were wanted on warrants for major felonies, including armed robbery, rape and murder.
Murder is simply one end of a continuum of criminality and, therefore, leniency toward “minor” crimes will inevitably result in more murders, as illustrated by the case of a suspected Los Angeles serial killer:
Investigators believe they have connected “Grim Sleeper” suspect Lonnie Franklin Jr. to 10 murders.
Now they are trying to tie him to dozens more.
More than 30 cold case files dating back to 1984 are getting a new look in light of Franklin’s arrest, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck said Friday. .
Franklin was arrested at least 15 times for car theft, burglary, assaults and other crimes, but avoided prison despite calls by law enforcement officials for tough sentences, according to Los Angeles County court records released Friday and obtained by the Los Angeles Times.
Franklin faced up to three years in prison in 2003 after pleading no contest to receiving stolen property, He was sentenced to 270 days in jail and released in May 2003, more than four months early, the records showed. Two months later, the body of one of Franklin’s alleged victims was found.

If Franklin is indeed the ”Grim Sleeper,” many victims may have died simply because California authorities failed to imprison him for his “minor” offenses.
Инна Чувашова Гуру (2818) 11 лет назад

Reports on crime can't give us a complete picture of who commits crimes because
not all crimes are reported. Furthermore, law enforcement agencies don't always
share their information. However, available information on reported crimes can
give us information about the people who commit crimes. If we consider all
categories of crime together, the most likely people to commit crimes are young
men from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

Young males from
lower socioeconomic
backgrounds are the
most likely people to
commit crimes.

A Age group
Young people have the highest rates of arrest for reported crime. ; Almost half of
all people arrested are under the age of 25. Older people may gradually move
away from crime or they may become skilled in not getting caught. Younger
people are more likely to be involved in crime because they have fewer
relationships that encourage them to follow conventional behavior. A married person with two children and a steady job is less likely to commit a crime than an
unemployed, single, child-free person.
Recent figures show a worrying increase in violent crime and: homicide among
youngsters under age 18. In 1995, some 5,280 children and youths died from
gun-related injuries, and a recent study revealed that U.S. children are fifteen
times more likely to die from guns than their counterparts in the twenty-five other
major industrialized countries combined. Clearly, guns are only a part of the prob-
lem. Poverty, deprivation, and gangs are directly related to much of the crime. In
addition, the way this generation of American parents is raising their children
should be examined. One psychologist argues that "the fundamental problem is
that kids these days are not getting the social and emotional learning they need.
Parents aren't around as much, so there's not as much modeling of how to
behave, or as much emotional support."
B Gender
According to FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) reports, 78 percent of all those
arrested for crimes are males. Males are also responsible for about 83 percent of
violent crime and 70 percent of all property crimes. Females are arrested for
criminal behavior in only 21 percent of all arrests. (Percentages for males and
females don't add up to 100 percent because of rounding of numbers.) Although
women commit all types of crime they are most likely to be involved in prostitution,
petty theft, shoplifting, passing bad checks, domestic theft, and welfare fraud.
They are less likely to be involved in the more profitable crimes of burglary,
robbery, embezzlement, and business fraud. In other words, women are more
likely to commit crimes that reflect their less powerful position in society. Most
women criminals are unemployed, uneducated, single mothers with small
Why is it that the figures for males and females are so different? 5 Sociologists
suggest that it is more socially acceptable for males to be deviant and involved in
crime than it is for females. Women are under a greater social pressure to
conform than men are. If they do not conform to the expected social roles of wife
and mother, they are more likely to be assigned extremely negative labels. It has
also been suggested that women have fewer opportunities to get involved in crimi-
nal behavior. Compared to males, potential female criminals are less likely to be
selected and recruited into criminal groups, have a more limited range of criminal
career paths open to them, and have fewer opportunities for learning criminal
skills (Steffensmeier 1983). Сюда все не влазит, по ссылке перейдите...
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