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проверьте пж на артикли и грамотность сост. предложения!!!!

Анастасия Сафаргалиева Знаток (423), на голосовании 11 лет назад
Recently I have been in the cinema VICTORY, and i would like to describe this cinema. It is situated in the city centure. He is a big. The main colours are whigh and blue. It has only one floor. Also there are a cafe and a room for children. At the side is a box-offoce. people buy tickets on the perfomance. A cloak-room is at the left side. In the middle is a loge with a popcorn and a lemonade. Only two halls are there. The halls are very comfortable and nice. there are seats and a very big screen. It is very comfortable cinema
Голосование за лучший ответ
i am Мастер (1039) 11 лет назад
1)He is a big. -так нельзя. это неодушевлённое, значит IT.
2)box-offoce-видимо, опечатка.
3)and a lemonade.-кажется, что тут артикль "а" не надо.. .
4)Only two halls are there.-наверное, лучше перефразировать вот так: There are only two halls here.
5)It is very comfortable cinema. перед very надо артикль "а".
вроде так... но англ знаю на среднем уровне.
Источник: удачи*
Daniil Pavlov Ученик (174) 7 лет назад
Норм но пара ошибок
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