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3. Поставьте прилагательные, данные в скобках, в соответствующую степень сравнения. Переведите предложения на русский яз

Анастасия Рак Ученик (196), закрыт 7 лет назад

1. Cadets think that officer N. is (experienced) in this field.
2. The world’s population is getting (big).
3. Children and disabled persons are (high) risk group during the fire.
4. The problem of feeding all the people in the world is getting (bad).
5. Fire prevention is not (little) important than firefighting tactics.
6. Many of the world’s seas, rivers and lakes are becoming (polluted).
Лучший ответ
Регина Высший разум (554994) 7 лет назад
1. the most experienced
2. bigger
3. the highest
4. worse
5. less
6. more polluted
Остальные ответы
Alexander Alenitsyn Высший разум (760202) 10 лет назад
1. Cadets think that officer N. is the most experienced in this field.
2. The world’s population is getting more.
3. Children and disabled persons are the highest risk group during the fire.
4. The problem of feeding all the people in the world is getting worse.
5. Fire prevention is not less important than firefighting tactics.
6. Many of the world’s seas, rivers and lakes are becoming more polluted.
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