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Помогите) Ученик (82), на голосовании 10 лет назад

Задание 2.
Вставьте вместо пропусков модальные глаголы to have или to bе:

1. As we had agreed before, we… to meet at two o’clock
to go to the stadium together. 2. The meeting … to begin at five o’clock. Don’t
be late. 3 “You have to do it alone, without anybody’s help. 4. Where …  the lecture to take place? – I suppose in the
assembly hall. 5. I … to ask him about it tomorrow, as today he has already
gone. 6. I t was raining hard and we … to wait until it stopped raining.

Голосование за лучший ответ
missy Профи (755) 10 лет назад
1. As we had agreed before, we had to meet at two o’clockto go to the stadium together. 2. The meeting is to begin at five o’clock. Don’t  be late.                3 “You have to do it alone, without anybody’s help". 4. Where is  the lecture to take place? – I suppose in the assembly hall. 5. I  have to ask him about it tomorrow, as today he has already gone. 6. I t was raining hard and we had to wait until it stopped raining.
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