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Можете написать мне краткую биографию Путина на английском языке? Пожааааалуйстаааа

Вика Ключарёва Гуру (4200), закрыт 16 лет назад
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Имани Хаким Профи (640) 16 лет назад
He was born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad. About himself told that the child enjoyed tinkering with the films of the Soviet intelligence, dreamed of working in state security. Putin's father, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, has been a party to the war, working in the factory. The mother, Maria Ivanovna Shelomova also worked at the factory, survived the siege of Leningrad. Putin's parents were baptized in Turginovo Tver Region in 1911. Vladimir was the third son in the family, two older brothers, born back in the 30th years, died in childhood. Working family lived in communal apartment in Leningrad.

In 1970, joined the international department faculty Leningrad State University named Zhdanov (LGU). In LGU Vladimir joined the CPSU (to be a member of the party until its dispersal in 1991. In 1975, and graduated from the Faculty of Law of the international department of Leningrad State University (one of his teachers was Anatoly Sobchak), the topic of diplom - "the most favorable nation principle in international law ".
Лариса ПятерниковаЗнаток (255) 8 лет назад
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Сагдиев Борат Мастер (2280) 16 лет назад
Vladimir Putin was born in Leningrad on October 7, 1952.

In 1975, he graduated with a degree in law from Leningrad State University. He later earned a Ph.D. degree in economics.

After graduation, Mr. Putin was assigned to work in the KGB. From 1985 to 1990, he worked in East Germany.

In 1990, he became assistant to the rector of Leningrad State University responsible for international affairs.

His next position was an advisor to the chairman of the Leningrad City Council.

In June 1991, he became chairman of the St. Petersburg City Council’s International Relations Committee and, starting with 1994, he combined this post with the position of First Deputy Chairman of the St. Petersburg City Government (First Deputy Mayor).

In August 1996, he was appointed deputy head of the President’s Administrative Directorate (Property Management Directorate).

In March 1997, he became deputy head of the Executive Office of the President (Presidential Administration) and head of the Central Supervision and Inspections Directorate.

In May 1998, he was promoted to first deputy head of the Presidential Administration.

In July 1998, he was appointed director of the Federal Security Service and, as of March 1999, he combined this position with that of Secretary of the Security Council.

In August 1999, he was appointed Prime Minister.

On December 31, 1999, he became acting President.

On March 26, 2000, he was elected President of Russia and was inaugurated as president on May 7, 2000.

On March 14, 2004, he was elected President of Russia for the second term.

Speaks German and English.

Married to Lyudmila Putina. They have two daughters: Maria (1985), Katerina (1986).
Источник: Официальный сайт президента России
настя неважно Ученик (140) 16 лет назад
вика спасибо тебе большое!
Aleks Профи (842) 16 лет назад
Держи на здоровье - PUTIN Vladimir Vladimirovich (r. the October 7 1952, Leningrad), russian statesman, president to Russian Federation with(since) 2000.
In(To;At) 1975 окончил law school Leningrad state university (LGU). On(Over;Along;Down;Under) completion(termination;ending;finishing) LGU was directed on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) work(job;functioning(working);functioning) in(to;at) organs of state safety(security). In(To;At) 1976-1990 served in(to;at) the First head quarterses (external(outward;front-end) exploring(intelligence service)) KGB USSR, for a long time worked(operated) in(to;at) Germanii.
The adviser of the chairman Lensoveta A. A. Sobchaka became In(To;At) 1990. In(To;At) 1991-1994 chairman of the Committee on(over;along;down;under) external(outward;front-end) relationship(communication) of the city administrations SAINT PETERSBURG. In(To;At) 1994-1996 first vice-chairman government SAINT PETERSBURG, chairman of the Committee on(over;along;down;under) external(outward;front-end) relationship(communication). In(To;At) 1996-1998 in(to;at) administrations(managements) of the president RF.
At July 1998 was nominated by director of the Federal service to safety(security) RF.
At August 1999 candidacy(nominee) Putina was offered by president on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) post of the chairman government for(on;of;to;with) approving(approval) by State duma, which(who) after the first voting has confirmed(approved) his(its)(his) candidacy(nominee). the December 31 1999 after voluntary prior retirement of the first president to Russia B. N. Elicina have filled a position actаasing president RF. the March 26 2000 Putin are elected by second president Ro
Александр Ермоленко Ученик (173) 6 лет назад
спасибо вы меня выручили

kosМыслитель (8078) 6 лет назад
Ты шо, успокойся
Амир Миннигулов Знаток (427) 6 лет назад
He was born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad. About himself told that the child enjoyed tinkering with the films of the Soviet intelligence, dreamed of working in state security. Putin's father, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, has been a party to the war, working in the factory. The mother, Maria Ivanovna Shelomova also worked at the factory, survived the siege of Leningrad. Putin's parents were baptized in Turginovo Tver Region in 1911. Vladimir was the third son in the family, two older brothers, born back in the 30th years, died in childhood. Working family lived in communal apartment in Leningrad.
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