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Оочень нужна помощь гения по английскому! 10 класс.

Чернова . Ученик (218), открыт 4 недели назад
You have received a lettr from your English-speaking pen-friend Paul who writes (10 points):
…My friends and I are overwhelmed with the amount of information that we have to learn before our exams . We have them only the next year, but I have already had panic and fear. Are you or your friends experiencing something similar? How do you deal with all this pressure from studying and exams? What helps you prepare for exams?
By the way, I have already chosen the university where I would like to study....
Write a letter to Paul.
In your letter:
• answer his questions
• ask 3 questions about the university he would like to study
Write 100—140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
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