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Задание на английском

Никита Рябков Ученик (128), открыт 1 неделю назад
1 ответ
idinax Мастер (1766) 1 неделю назад
1. It was a nice period of our life, but now it's the time to **hit the road**.
2. I hate spending time with Kevin. He **drives me up to the wall** with his stupid jokes.
3. Markus and Sandra **are in the same boat**: they have project deadlines on Sunday.
4. We like travelling without a group because we can visit places that are **off the beaten track**.
5. Amanda is **at the crossroads**. She doesn't know which university she should choose.
6. She always takes her little brother on dates with her. He feels like a **third wheel**.
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Никита РябковУченик (128) 1 неделю назад
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